• 1342 Central Avenue Colonie, N.Y. 12205
  • 518-489-4421
    • Fuller Road Fire Department

      Serving The Town of Colonie, N.Y. since 1926

      We are 100% volunteer

Becoming a Member

Can YOU fill these boots?

We need your help!

It takes someone with the desire to do something IMPORTANT for their community! It takes someone with courage, dedication and who isn't afraid of hard work. It takes someone who is willing to accept the challenge of a difficult yet rewarding job. Are you that person?

Benjamin Franklin is credited with starting the first Volunteer Fire Department in 1736 for the city of Philadelphia. Since then the tradition of the volunteer fire service flourished in the country. To this day over 70% of the fire departments in  America are 100% volunteer with another 2% a mix of volunteer and paid firefighters. That is over 800,000 volunteer firefighters that come from all walks of life in this country. There is no greater or longer running expression of volunteerism in the United States than the volunteer fire service. Unfortunately over the last 20 years, the number of volunteers has dropped over 10%. You can make a difference.

The Fuller Road Fire Department has been in existence since 1926. We have a strong history and tradition in the fire service and can provide you with all you need to excel with us. We will provide you with all the gear and equipment. all the training and all the support you will need. What will you get in return? Well, our department is involved in more than just firefighting. We have social events and trips, parade as a department, work with various charities and help with other community organizations and school in our district. As a member you will get a monetary retirement, option for tuition reimbursement, life insurance and more. More importantly you will be giving back to your community, gaining confidence, self esteem ans a sense of pride in your work! join us today!! Join the brotherhood and become part of the tradition that is the volunteer fire service.

So if would like to help us help you by becoming a member and live within our district fill out the form below and someone will contact you within a few days. We would love to show you around the firehouse and explain what you might be able to do to as a member of the Fuller Road Fire Dept. 

  • 1342 Central Ave. Albany, NY 12205
  • Phone (518) 489-4421 Non-Emergency / Dial 911 for Emergency

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